My Top 3 Favorite Accounts on Instagram for Self-Motivation


Mondays, even in a pandemic, are still Mondays. Luckily I've got my top three favorite motivators on speed dial, aka Instagram. Each has a unique style, and depending upon the situation, supplies just the right jolt I need to get moving. For the last few months, I've been tackling personal goals to jump start discipline and commit behaviors. They include learning how to run (properly instead of my gasping for air look), self-development, and wellness. While it's been a slow burn, I'm finally at a place where my habit has become the norm. Running has improved, my self-awareness has expanded, and my well-being is a top priority. So I hope these help you in your journey too!

Goggins is my ultimate go-to motivator for working out. Whenever I feel like I don't want to hit hills or put in that extra mile, I hit up one of my saved Goggins's IG videos. Within seconds, I'm ready to take on ANY challenge. 

His style is direct and to the point, so if you're a little sensitive to that vibe, you might want to take it slow. David Goggins is known as the world's toughest man. If you're curious, definitely check out the recent Rich Roll podcast episode Goggins is on. He truly believes there are no excuses when it comes to upleveling your life performance. He gives zero fucks about anyone's opinion. He's in this life to push beyond personal limits and become his most genuine self. That's one of the many reasons I enjoy his videos and talks. He isn't competing with anyone but himself. Now that's powerful! 

Rich Roll
I've enjoyed Rich Roll's podcast for a while, and he's the reason I found Goggins in the first place. While Sam and I made our cross-country road trip in 2016, we listened to podcasts nonstop. Rich Roll was a suggestion from y nephew, who knows my love for animals and nature. Rich Roll is an expander for me in a few different ways. He embodies a few significant goals I have, from his love for his family to recreating his life path after his 40s. So when I need some quick inspiration and expansion for thinking differently, I hit up Rich Roll's Instagram. Plus, it doesn't hurt that he shares insight into veganism and training. 

Susie Moore
I discovered Susie Moore during Teachable's recent conference. She gave a talk about how to be a rockstar (focusing on PR). Her overall energy and vibe hooked me in. After that class, I could take on the world. Then I recently completed her book, Stop Checking Your Likes, and loved everything about it. I highly recommended it if you need some motivation after getting a punch in the gut by 2020—lots of great tips and tricks on things outside of social media. Plus, Susie shares her own story, proving how you can empower yourself regardless of your current situation. 

These three Instagram accounts will help you stop scrolling your life away and help you put down the phone to be present with your own real life. It's easy to get into the endless scrolling black hole, so get yourself out of that and start following these inspiring self-motivated expanders.