Now Playing: Cayucas - Bigfoot (Stereogum Premiere)

Cayucas album: Bigfoot Since I basically have the never ending commute, Sam has been so kind to lend me his SiriusXM. This gem has changed the way I approach my commute. I'm a big fan of SiriusXM U (specifically blog Radio) and would be lost without it. I need my fix of Carles from Hipster Runoff on Mondays and Gorilla vs Bear on Thursdays. Lately on SiriusXM U they've been playing on the regular Cayucas, a California local band. Sad to say but they are playing May 9th at the Echo and tickets are SOLD OUT. An epic fail for us but great for them. Let's fill the void though with this stream of their new album Bigfoot. The album art alone reminds me of Samuel as it's all about bikes and having a Sasquatch riding one just won major cool points. While your checking out the stream, also view their video for High School Lover.