Map quest Part 1: Mind Blown by West Wing, Bremen Artists and Anne Ditmeyer

Skillshare Map Quest Project: Atwater Village Thanks to Skillshare, I just had my mind blown. I'll explain why in a sec but first let me introduce this 3 part series. On a whim and a nudge from my travel blogger friends, I decided to sign up for Skillshare's Map Design: Learn to Communicate Places Beautifully by Anne Ditmeyer. Always intrigued by maps since that first embroidered pillow I saw as a kid and of course the design of them, I figured why not add one more thing to my plate. The course so far has exceeded my expectations following reasons:

1. I knew there was cool shit in my neighborhood (insert Atwater Village shout out here) but now I get to document it with my own personalized map??? Sweeeeet. Already got a few highlights I must add: like Sam's workshop and where to find a spicy beer.

2. Did you know that the world map you were taught in school is full of crap? Yeah, I didn't know either until Anne assigned us this West Wing clip to watch (know wonder that show won so many awards). Kudos to Explore for sharing.

3. Getting started on the first assignment had me apprehensive since I haven't been doing much sketching but after this quiz, I got my confidence back. Who knew a dog could make some killer artwork? Thanks Anne for the confidence boost.

So far that's 3 awesome moments for my Monday. Yeah, I did my homework last second. I promise next week I will be better, in which I'll share my progress and some more mind blowing factoids. Definitely check out Anne's blog, Prêt à Voyager - it will leave you ITCHING to be more than a couch potato.